Aah, l’amour! It’s February again and the sunshine is becoming more frequent in the house. The snowdrops are shooting out of the ground, and the winter blues are giving way to spring excitement. Are you unhappy with your interior or does your home need a refresh? In short, has Cupid not yet hit the mark in your home? Don’t wait any longer and roll up your sleeves. In five steps, we will make sure that you fall in love with your home again. And what could be a better way to start the day of love?
Falling in love with your home in 5 steps
Step 1: Move over, Marie Kondo is here!
We have talked about her before: the tidying guru Marie Kondo. She gained worldwide fame with her skills and handy tips for tidying up. But how should you tidy up? According to Kondo, the key is to tidy up in a special way. Instead of starting by tackling entire rooms, you should start by tackling categories. For instance, do you need to tidy up your administration from the past weeks, or have you always wanted to change your bedroom and have a lot of clothes you no longer wear? In that case, start by collecting all mail and putting it neatly in the corresponding folders. Or gather all the clothes in your house, tidy them up, and determine what you want to keep and what you can say goodbye to.
Kondo is now synonymous with choose or share; be aware of what you really need and get rid of the products you hardly use. With spring in the air, spring cleaning jitters are starting to take hold. So don’t stuff your cleaning tasks in a corner. It’s time for a big spring clean!

Step 2: Dreams and goals
Once you’ve finished cleaning your home, it’s time to start dreaming. What are your interior design dreams? What wishes have you always had for your home? Have you been wanting to do but haven’t dared to yet? Creating a mood board with your dreams and goals can help you map them out and have a better understanding of what you want for your interior. Have you always wanted to incorporate a bright colour in your home? Have you come across a special rug that has stolen your heart? Perhaps you’ve been dreaming of an open kitchen and are now ready to demolish the partition wall. With a mood board, you can bring everything together in a collage and visualize the direction you want to take in your home. This way, you clarify your goals and make it clear what you want to achieve in your home.
Floer tip

Do you want to create a mood board online? Look no further than Pinterest! With endless possibilities, this handy app makes it easy to visualize your dreams and goals. And did you know that Floer is also on Pinterest? With just a click of a button, you can easily add your dream floor to your Pinterest wish board.
Step 3: Dare and do
Time to dare and do! In step 3, it’s time to roll up your sleeves even further. Grab the demolition hammer and bang on that wall! Or take that bright paint and tackle that boring white wall. Your mood board will immediately show you what you will and will not tackle. Whether it’s a big project or a small adjustment, it’s all possible. Sometimes, small differences can make all the difference.
Do you love many different colours or have a preference for a few types of fabrics or materials but are afraid they won’t match? By ensuring there is repetition in your interior, you can create unity. For example, if you like different materials and are a fan of sand-coloured accents, you can choose a sand-coloured flower pot, a soft beige metal pendant lamp, and a sand-coloured rug. Despite the different materials, recurring a certain colour will create a whole and melt your desires and dreams together.

Are you a fan of wooden wall panels in your home but want to make it different from everyone else? You can! Choose a unique colour like an Akupanel in green or concrete grey. You can also place a wooden wall panel horizontally to create a unique eye-catcher in your home!
Step 4: Shape butterflies with a strong base
Butterflies shape you by encouraging you to pursue your desires. Who needs a Valentine when you can be your own? With a clean house, your dreams in focus, and a solid start in steps 1, 2, and 3, it’s time for step 4: bringing it all together. How do you do that? By establishing a good foundation in your home – the subject you knew was coming. Your Valentine is your floor! Has a new floor always been on your wish list? Then now is the time to make your choice. We can’t avoid it, of course – the floor is the foundation of your home, and this foundation needs to be solid. We can imagine feeling butterflies when you see the Whalebone Vinyl or discover one of our other special floors. The way to create unity in your home? Having the same floor in every room creates a calm and stable base. By choosing a solid base, you can go in any direction with the rest of your interior. As long as the foundation remains the same, the other possibilities are endless. In other words, your interior will no longer be a fluttering of separate butterflies, but one stable love affair!
Who needs a Valentine when you can be your own?

Step 5: Fall in love with your home
Who wouldn’t want to fall in love with their home again? Your home should be the most important place in your life. However, with the hustle and bustle of work, family, and social life, it can become neglected. It’s time to clear the snow with a snowplow and fall in love with your home again.
Treating your interior with care, attention, and dreams will ensure that it becomes a place where you can unwind. No more lists of things to change, buy, or adjust because you have given shape to your dreams. Your home is now the place where you can come home, relax on the sofa with a glass of wine after a busy working day.
After following these five steps and pursuing your dreams, you’ll begin to feel those butterflies in your stomach upon coming home. Finally, you will have fallen in love with your home again!