• 15 - 35 Year warranty
  • 100% sustainable

windmolen-floerOak wooden floors produced in the Netherlands? They exist! At Floer we produce your customised oak parquet floor in our factory in the North of the Netherlands. We process raw European oak lumber into beautiful parquet floors. Want to know what happens to your Floer floor before it’s delivered to your home? Watch the video below!

Pijl naar rechts From raw oak to Floer!


Craftsmanship of the highest order!

We plane, saw, glue, process, and oil raw oak boards to produce a high-quality end product, which is strong and of consistent quality. In addition to the standard oak parquet, herringbone oak parquet is also one of our specialties.

Every Floer floor is made-to-measure. The floorboards are available in different sizes and are moreover very suitable for underfloor heating! Tip: for underfloor heating, choose the thinnest plank structure for minimum heat loss.

For the enthusiasts, we have summarised the whole process once more.


  • European oak lumber arrives untreated at the production hall


  • The oak wood is planed on 4 sides, which is also called calibrating


  • The planed planks are sawn into oak surface layers

  • The Russian birch plywood panels are divided into planks


  • The oak surface layers are glued on top of the birch plywood


  • The joints are milled on the long side of the plank

  • Knots and other irregularities are plugged by hand


  • The planks are smoothened in the belt sander


  • The joint is milled on the short side of the planks

  • If desired, the boards are shortened to herringbone dimensions


  • Mechanical oiling and drying, which is also called curing


  • The oak boards are stacked and packaged for shipment

Alternatives for wooden floors?

Floer oak wood parquet floors are manufactured in the Netherlands, while our wood alternative floors are typically not. Our diverse range of unique flooring collections, such as laminate and vinyl floors, are produced in Germany, France, and Belgium. These collections comprise durable, high-quality floors that are appropriate for intensive domestic and commercial use, and occasionally for industrial use. For those who are curious about the production country of the Floer Akupanel Wall Panels, they are made from sustainable forestry in Denmark!

How do you install Floer Herringbone Oak Parquet?

Watch on FloerTube

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More information on oak floors